This policy governs the processing of personal data carried out by our company within this website, in accordance with the current rules on data protection, in particular EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”)
Data Controller: Ponti S.r.l.
Address: Via Pier Carlo Cadoppi 10, 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE), Italy Contact details: [email protected]
The Data Controller is responsible for the legitimate and correct use of your personal data and may be contacted for any information or request regarding such treatment.
Privacy policy
This page describes the management of the site in regards to the processing of personal data of the users who consult it.
The information is provided in accordance with the new GDPR 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, for those who interact with internet services accessible from the addresses https://t-ponti.it and http://join.t-ponti.it/.
This policy concerns only the sites in question and not any other websites that the user might consult through links. The information that follows deals specifically with the collection of personal data on the internet, identifying the minimum measures that shall be implemented in respect of Data Subjects, in order to ensure the fairness and legality of such practices.
Data Co-controller
For reasons of synergy, in order to better respond to customer requests and for more efficient management of interpreters, Ponti S.r.l. shares the data with the data co-controller, Ponti LLC. The agreement regulating co-controlling can be requested at any time by writing to [email protected]
Purpose and legal basis of data collection
The computer systems and programs used to operate the site collect some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols (e.g. IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI addresses of the resources requested, time of request, method used to submit the request to the server, size of the file obtained in response, numerical codes concerning the status of the response from the server ‒ such as successful outcome error, etc. ‒ and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment). Although these data are not collected for purposes of association with identified interested parties, by their nature they could allow identification of the user, through processing and association with data held by third parties.
These data are used only to check the proper functioning of the site and to obtain statistical information in its use, not associated with any user identification data, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any computer crimes against the site.
1) Processing of customers’ data
You may contact the Data Controller to request information on the services provided. To do so, you must send your personal data to the Data Controller, so as to achieve adequate management of the request. The data sent will be processed by the Data Controller and, if necessary, by the Co-controller, to respond to your request and for the eventual provision of the requested service. The data may be communicated to our interpreters: this communication is necessary for the execution of the contract and all our interpreters have been appropriately appointed according to the provisions of the GDPR. The legal basis for this processing is the execution of the contract or of the pre-contractual measures requested by the Data Subject.
2) Processing of interpreters’ data
In order to become an interpreter with Ponti, the interested party can fill out the relative contact form on the website, potentially attaching their Curriculum Vitae. The data requested are necessary for the evaluation of the application and to proceed to an initial telephone interview. The interpreters’ data may be shared with the Data Co-controller, for better geographic distribution of the requests made by customers and for more efficient management of the interpreters.
The legal basis for this processing is the execution of the pre-contractual measures requested by the interested party and, in the event of a positive outcome of the interview, the execution of the contract between the Data Holder and the interpreter.
Recipients and transfers outside the European Union
Your data may be communicated with the Co-controller Ponti LLC, situated in Japan. For better protection of the rights of the persons concerned, and to ensure an adequate level of protection, the two Data Controllers have signed contractual clauses binding Ponti LLC to comply with all the indications of the GDPR. The contractual clauses can be requested at any time by writing to [email protected]
Processing methods
Personal data are processed by automated tools only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, with the exception of Data Subject to other processing by the same Data Controller. Specific security measures are observed to prevent loss, misuse or incorrect use of the data, in accordance with obligations for the provision of minimum security measures.
You may exercise the following rights with the Data Controller:
Right to request access to your personal data (GDPR article 15);
Right to rectification (article 16) and right to erasure of personal data (article 17);
Right to restrict (article 18) and right to object to processing (article 21);
Right to data portability (article 20);
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority for the protection of personal data (article 77).
The requests to exercise the rights indicated in this statement must first be addressed to the Data Controller, at the e-mail address: [email protected].
The Data Controller may also involve the Co-controller when necessary, in order to better deal with the request.
This information has been prepared in the name and on behalf of Ponti S.r.l. by 01 s.r.l. privacy services, www.01privacy.it
Ponti S.r.l.
Via Pier Carlo Cadoppi 10, 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE), Italy
tel +39 3890112742 e-mail [email protected]
Via Pier Carlo Cadoppi 10 Reggio Emilia (RE) 42124 ITALIA
P. IVA IT02832270355
[email protected]
+39 389 0112742